Sunday, April 10, 2011

I miss my dog

This will be a pointless entry.

I used to have this dog since I was, like, eleven years old.

It was a mini poodle.  For anyone who knows me- yeah, I have a pit bull / boxer mix, too, but I also had a mini poodle.


I had this dog since it was two years old for thirteen years, making it fifteen years old.  Pretty old for a dog.  And the thing was, the thing is that it only loved me.  It only smiled like how only a dog can smile when I walked into the house, it only followed me around, it only slept with me, it only relaxed when I sat next to it, it whined when I closed the door to go to the bathroom.

It was a pretty nervous dog, but it guarded me with her life.  She barked like crazy at anyone who came into my room while I slept.  Silly little dog.  It only weighed like seven pounds, how in the world could it ever have protected me?

After I left for college, I noticed its age increasingly more every time I came home.  Its eyes started to go hazy as its eyesight started to fail, and it started to go deaf as well so it could only hear me when I yelled.  Its mind kind of started to fail, too, I think.  It would lose me a lot and spend a good while looking in every room for me.  I know because I watched it from upstairs run from room to room.  I didn't watch it for amusement-- I was calling its name the whole time.

Anyway.  The point is, after I came to Korea, it started getting this infection.  And then it got bad enough that it had to be put down.  And I didn't get to be there or anything.  And I really miss it-- I mean, I guess you, the reader, wouldn't really care about this little dog, but you've gotta understand, it absolutely lived for me.  I gave it happiness and meaning in life, and it makes me really sad to think about it now dead.  Just... dead.

1 comment:

  1. i know this is an old entry kit, but, i have a dog just like that - just as old, totally stalks me, 7lbs and everything - and it kills me that i might not be here for him when the time comes. no matter what happens though, let us be grateful for all the things they taught us through their love.
