Saturday, November 13, 2010

Break Through

It may seem that Fate has a sense of humor in this way, playing with our hearts in this manner, presenting situations that coincidentally reflect the gravest mistakes of our past, but then one must realize that it is not Fate's humor, but God's compassion that brings these situations about.

God sees our weaknesses reflected in our past mistakes, and he finds sympathy in our weaknesses-- but just as the wisest parents adore to see their children become better people through their experiences, God wants to see us triumph as well.  And so he presents us with these repeating circumstances so that we may learn from them and break out of the cycle, to rise out of the ashes as the same person with stronger character; he sets the stage with obstacles just so that we may overcome them.  Because, in the end, isn't it our own opinion that judges that we are not strong enough?  Isn't it ourselves who cross that fateful line into incompetence, ourselves who make the decision to allow the environment to go ahead of us, and we fumble closely behind?

Yes, somewhere inside, we allow ourselves to be convinced that we are separate from the world around us, and that it moves faster than us.  But it's only in hindsight that we see that we were as much a part of the scene as was every other component, and we realize how we should have carried ourselves; but these realizations were very capable of being grasped at the very instant that they refer to, it's just that we are too preoccupied with how badly we are conducting ourselves in said situation, and it becomes an instantaneous self-fulfilling prophecy.

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