Thursday, August 18, 2011

Some things I need to remind myself of

Some advice for you, Kit.

With love,

1. You will always be in a transitional period. You're never gonna "get there", so enjoy the ride.

2. Children aren't articulate, but they know what's right, so listen to them more.

3. Talk to yourself more; you try to hide it like you're sane, but c'mon.  The best conversations are the ones with the person who knows you best.

4. Grammar was made to relay ideas better. If you get what they're saying, grammar has no real role then.

5. DANCE, you fool.

6. Talk more with less thought; you'll find out the kind of person you are quicker. Then go from there.

7. Nothing you have is truly yours except your ideas. Even those, you should share.

8. I know you should "go with the flow", but flow into work more often.

9. You are only as good as your actions.

10. Learn parkour. It's, like, the fastest way to feel like a kid again.

11. Give praise where praise is due; you're not gonna get better just because you withheld a compliment regarding something you wish you could've done, too.

12. Practice more. Fear of failure IS failing.

13. Love more. How could you live with yourself otherwise?

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