Wednesday, June 29, 2011


All things shine on the sun; how can they not when they radiate so?  They're so vibrant with color, they're shaking in my very sight, and they send their lights out.  All things are graphic-- any blur is a man-made thing.  The dew on the window is no cause for blurring-- the droplets themselves are so vivid.  Displacement of attention is a man-made thing.

And why do we have loss of detail?  It's all a numbing-- we numb the pain, we numb the senses because only then can we ever become deluded enough to think we can do it ourselves. But we cannot... we're weak beings who have the knowledge enough to make ourselves ignorant to our weaknesses.  We're too knowledgeable for our own good on how to cut out what we consider excess, when really it is vital, even inherent.

Because in our weaknesses, we cry out to God...

Otherwise, we hesitate and stumble, become confused and fumble, and we find ways to numb ourselves again.  We let these moments pass with dissatisfied taste, but we convince ourselves that it's "just the way it is."  There's nothing else to do, then, but to harden ourselves to it, and after a lifetime of this, we build walls into a corner.  But this corner seems safe; this corner seems good, because it's a space we can control.  But we forget about God; how can you be satisfied knowing you're in a delusion, and you have to deny true things to be happy?  How can that possibly make you happy?

We numb ourselves so well... it's the one thing we are all good at.  We trim out the truth, we're a race of convenience, and we justify it because we work hard to attain convenience.  We're so numb.