Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Jubilee's Men's Retreat

Over the weekend, I had the gracious opportunity to accompany the men of Jubilee Church of Seoul on their men's retreat in... oh dude, I forgot where we went. An hour and a half out of Seoul.  But it was beautiful, man.

All I can say is- I've been missing this my entire life.  Just becoming enveloped by the love for God that I felt resonating from the voices of every man who was praising God around me.  Just being given the opportunity to experience it made me feel so blessed.

Pastor David was a blessing by himself.  He loves God, and it's so apparent when he speaks because his diction isn't forced- his words simply come out the way they do because you can tell he's trying to describe something that simply can't be vocalized.  Other men do their best to put their sermon behind the podium, but he brings his love for God up there and does his best to try and convey it.  It's awesome.

And the praise was simply great.  Tim ํ˜•is a blessed singer, no wonder he's a ๊ฐ€์ˆ˜, but more than his skills, his love for God spoke louder than his voice, I couldn't help but dance. Man, I couldn't help but dance.

What can I say?  I could try to relay to you all the experiences I had at the retreat, but they're feeble attempts to describe to you the awakening of a flame inside me that's refining my very heart, and it's joyful to the point of sadness because I've been missing it for so long.

But joyful, nonetheless, for I have found it again, but now the real battle starts- but I won't, can't despair.  Cuz "if my God is with me, whom then shall I fear?"

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