Thursday, October 21, 2010

Meet me there

The greatest thing ever done is probably the most well-kept secret.  The very fact that such a groundbreaking event is kept a secret is what probably makes it the greatest thing ever done.  The moment it's discovered, its myth becomes reality, and it'll fall in line with all things mainstream, and that pretty much destroys any chance of it retaining the title as the greatest thing ever done.

I'm just rambling because I realized that social media brings to light so many things, and certain videos and articles blow up overnight.  Thus, it drives me a bit crazy to think that there may be things out there that haven't ever surfaced, that there are things that I do not own the potential to know.  If something is on the internet, at least there's the chance that I'll see it, and I get to sleep well at night- not so for those things that are not yet filmed.

So we live in a world that thrives on knowledge, and the thirst for exposure is overwhelming- but doesn't that mean that we've created a new boundary, that we've drawn a new line?  There's the world that is tied to media and the internet, whereas there's an entire world that cannot be touched by the eye of the camera, a world that thrives simply because it is not exposed, one that must be experienced rather than seen.  And that drives me crazy.  I have to go find it.

Meet me there.

Thanks for reading.

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